Are you going to buy your boyfriend or husband a gift? Too many choices there, do not hesitate now, a luxury watch may be the best choice, even a replica watch will make him happy because it is a high end one. If you do not know where to buy a good quality replica watch, please contact me, or read reviews on my blog, these watches reviewed on my blog are all from big factories, quality is guaranteed.

Please prepare a watch as a gift for him if he usually travels, before he back home next time, you will surprise him. This Patek Philippe Aquanaut GMT watch is a very ideal choice, the big name Patek Philippe, is for the king in your heart. I think most of men will love this luxury watch.
ZF, this is a watch factory here in China, they make top quality Patek Philippe Aquanaut replica watches, sometimes I even think they make the best ones. At the beginning of their development, they only made some top quality IWC replica watches, now their clone business has extended to a lot of brands, ZF has become one of the biggest watch manufacturers in the market. This Aquanaut has a sub-series name called “Travel Time”, reference is 5164A, genuine watch is perfect for men who need to travel around the world.

About this replica, it is made by ZF, while GR factory also makes it, their quality is very close. The rose gold case has a diameter of 41mm, the case is a little thick, which is almost 11mm. The case has a very good finish, both brushing and polishing are completed nicely, the different finish on case and bezel forms a strong contrast. Case back has a see-through crystal and is screwed down tightly to prevent water penetration. There is another feature that is very important, the tiny engraving on each lug’s back, a high end replica watch in golden must have this feature.

About the functions of this replica watch, there are hours, minutes, seconds, date, gmt display, day and night display. Time can be adjusted through the crown, date is displayed on the small earth at 6 o’clock, it can be adjusted through the small pusher on the case at 5 o’clock. Two little boxes “HOME” and “LOCAL”, when one is white, the other will be black, which means “Day” and “Night” I think, they show automatically and can not be ajusted. The two buttons on the left case have no functions on this replica.

For this watch, the replica one made by ZF has a good finish on case, they tried their best to clone all functions correctly but there are still some differences with genuine watch. However, after feeling the case finish by hands and checking the movement, I can still say this is a super replica, I am also a little touched by the soft natural rubber band.