Top quality replica Hublot watches have always been the best sellers, its Big Bang, Classic Fusion, King Power and Unico are all popular in the market, many buyers are seeking for the best replicas of these models, not a few watch factories are making top quality Hublot watches, we usually talk V6, it is one of the watch manufacturers, JB makes some quality Hublot Tourbillon models, about Classic Fusion, WWF and TWF are two main factories to make the replicas, about Hublot Unico, ZF makes the best replicas, ZF started to manufacture replica Hublot watches in the beginning of 2022, but currently they only make Hublot Unico replicas, and the quality is very good, I hope ZF can make other replica Hublot Big Bang watches that were only produced by V6 factory before.

This Spirit Big Bang is made with black forged carbon and features a black rubber strap, the full black outlook is unique and very cool, like a black King Kong. Not from ZF or V6, this Hublot comes from a new factory named HBS, I do not know this factory and did not introduce any watches from them in the past, but I found the watch quality is just ok when I received it from my supplier, it has a very light weight and comfortable to wear. For this Spirit Bang, no other factories make it.

The case is not a regular Big Bang case shape, it is a tonneau-shaped like Richard Mille’s case, besides its advanced forged carbon material, the case has a good curve design that can fit my hand perfectly, the multi-layer structure of the case adopts different materials, which reflects the “fusion” design idea of Hublot. The carbon is used on the case front and back, its texture is obviously different from the other black material on case side.

The dial is skeleton with three-dimensional effect at the same time, the black dial is the combination of superior workmanship and advaned watch-making techniques. Three small dials have real functions, the one at 9 o’clock is small seconds, the biggest one at 3 o’clock is for 30-minute chronograph display, the one at 6 o’clock is a 12-hour chronograph counter. Only the small-second subdial is less noticeable. The circle on the center of the dial shows the date wheel of movement, well, a big window is opened 4:30 to show current date in white. I like the case and its black color, but this dial is not my style, it looks a little ugly, there should be some striking colors used on this skeleton dial to enhance the readability.

The movement you see from the crystal back is a clone HUB4700. Actually it is not really clone HUB4700 movement. First, it is based on an Asian Chronograph, but the decoration on the movement is not nicely done by HBS factory, it seems like HBS only hollows the auto rotor and prints “HUB4700” and Hublot logo on the movement plate, the decoration is not good. HBS factory does not make top quality replica Hublot watches, so I think they won’t improve this movement in future.