Before introducing this replica watch, I would like you to know more about BP factory, this factory is the earliest watch factory to make replica Rolex watches in our market, they have a wide complete collection that almost covers each series of Rolex, any Rolex model which other factories do not make can be even found from BP, it is very convenient for customers and the price of BP Rolex is very affordable.
The watch I am going to review today is exactly a replica Rolex from BP factory, it is a Rolex Sea-Dweller watch with a big case diameter that is up to 43mm, the case thickness is about 14mm, the replica has a two tone appearance and features a black ceramic bezel insert. This is a popular Rolex replica watch in our market, many factories are making it, but only BP factory has the most affordable price.
The replica watch is made with 316L stainless steel, although BP factory claims that their replica Rolex watches are made with 904L stainless steel, but I do not believe in this saying because of their low cost. The case and the bezel tooth have a layer of yellow gold coating that is not very thick, like all golden replica watches made by other factory, the gold coating is not that thick like they claim, if you want to add the gold thickness, you need to pay your watch supplier a lot of money, then they can find someone in the market to do this job.
The dial becomes the most favorite part of the watch since the factory uses the durable and strong Swiss Superlume material, for such a diver’s watch, the Superlume dial is a big selling point for this Sea-Dweller 126603 replica watch. Each hour marker and hands are fully filled with white luminous material that will gives the watch a strong blue lume light in dark conditions. By the way, the golden frame of hour markers and hands as well as the golden “SEA-DWELLER” printing just perfectly matches the golden color on case and bracelet.
The movement inside is a common Asia clone ETA 2836 automatic movement, which has been widly used by all replica watches, although many replica watches now use imported Japanese Miyota movements or some even have developed their in-house movements, but the clone ETA 2836 still has a very important position in this industry, it has a very good accuracy and stability.
Whatever, if you want to get a replica Rolex with the cheapest price but in middle quality, BP factory must be the first choice.