Before introducing this replica watch, I would like to tell you guys a bad news, that is all big factories in our watch market are now on holiday, new raid is coming, to avoid loss, these factories will not release watches in next weeks, I do not know when they will be back, but before our Mid-Autumn Festival, they can not offer watches. The situation here is more serious than before, I am wondering if this industry will be destroyed one day. The business just came to be a little normal in recent weeks, every watch factory produced many popular models, now everything comes to an end again.

Today, I want to talk about the new Patek Green Nautilus, it is the latest Nautilus model, the fresh green dial makes this Nautilus look impressive. Its replica watch is mainly produced by two factories, PPF and 3KF. The latest version of PPF is V4, and the latest version from 3KF comes to be V2. I can not say PPF V4 is better, actually this Green Nautilus from both factories have the same quality.

The price of PPF V4 Nautilus even has a higher price than the 3KF version. I did compare them in hand before, actually there are tiny difference between them. The case thickness is almost close, maybe 3K is the earliest watch factory to research and develop the clone Patek 324 movement, so their case looks thinner when holding both in hands, the truth is 3KF Green Nautilus is indeed thinner than PPF V4 Green Nautilus, but two of them are very close to genuine watch in case thickness.

The green dial, some experienced resellers who have been in this industry for more than ten years said that the green color on PPF V4 is more pure and closer to genuine, I checked it very carefully, but can not find the difference between the two versions. However, I noticed that their date window and date font are different, the date font on PPF V4 seems to be fuller in that window, which is designed to be better. I can not tell you which version is right, because I also did not see genuine watch before.

Check the movement through crystal back, I must say that this movement from 3K factory is the most beautiful and best clone Patek 324 movement in the market.