Now, it is more difficult for us to do business in this field, although replica watches industry is more prosperous than before, and watches factories produce more replicas in higher quality, but these factories are facing risk from all sides. People all over the world who want to buy the best replica watches made in China are also facing one problem, which is shipping is slower than before. Few shipping agents are now willing to accept the shipment of fake goods, especially watches, and ship them by DHL or FedEx, DHL also becomes unstable, not fast, usually takes more than 10 days to deliver, especially close the Xmas or New Year holiday. So, more dealers ship watches to their clients using common registered air mail, this is slower, but safe.
As far as I know, there is a rumor online, some people saying many factories were raided, including Noob, VS, V6, ZF, this is not true, they are just closed temporarily by themselves, not by other special department. Once the situation is not that risky, they will be back to work immediately.
Back to this replica watch now, it is made by VS factory, I like this watch, if I am going to buy a watch for daily wearing, then Aqua Terra must be one of the watches I will consider. It comes from Seamaster product line of Omega, but does not have a diving-style outlook, it looks decent, not very sporty, but more like a dress watch. However, the watch has a great water resistance.
The dial looks nice, there are iconic vertical textures of Aqua Terra, both hour hand and minute hand are in blue color, which is the same as minute markers from 05 to 60. Second hand in the center is in yellow gold tone, which is striking and highlights the entire dial. The lume on the dial is uniform, the same lume color on hour markers and central hands, which is blue.
The movement inside is perfect, it is Super Clone 8500, which has the same decoration on plates and auto rotor as real Omega 8500 Calibre. It is called Super Clone, so the movement is not the common clone 8500, not just with added extra plates on top to make it look as real, the movement is completely independently developed by VS factory, which now makes the best clone 8xxx movement in the whole world.
At last, hope all watch factories back to normal soon, maybe they will be back after our 5.1 holiday.