The replica is from EW, which has become more well-known in the past two years, honestly speaking, I never noticed this factory before, but their business indeed grows very fast, especially in 2020. Usually when readers here want Datejust or Day-Date replicas but can not afford Noob’s and ARF’s, I will introduce them to buy from EW factory, and finally they received the watches and felt very happy. So, if you do not want to spend more than 400 USD on a replica Rolex but expect a moderate quality, then EW factory will be a good choice.

For our Rolex fans, it is really a big surprise for 41mm Submariner replica to appear in 2020 watch market, the speed in cloning the newest watches is very fast. Once being launched, 41mm Submariner replica is highly welcomed, now three factories makes, VS, Noob and EW, among them, the best one is made by VS factory, while the cheapest one with moderate quality is from EW, today, I will introduce this EWF-made blue Submariner 126610LB replica wholse price may be acceptable to more people.

This time, EW factory launched three models of 41mm Submariner, black 126610LN, green 126610LV and blue 126610LB, they are all equipped with EW’s 3235 movement, this is absolutely the best clone 3235 movement, but in outlook, the decoration on the movement plates and auto rotor, you can find all necessary engravings that appear on real Rolex 3235.

The case is a re-built 41mm case, not the case used by 40mm Submariner, case thickness is about 12.5mm. The bezel insert uses real blue ceramic, with silver markers being engraved, about the bezel engravings and pearl, I can not say they are the best, after all, the best ceramic bezel is from clean factory, obviously EW can not use clean bezel otherwise they are not able to control the cost. If you compare the bezel between EW and VS, you will find the difference, and you will know why a top quality replica Rolex is much more expensive.

In conclusion, this replica is not bad, some tiny details that will be ignored by other small factories are well finished by EW factory, for example, the laser crown logo in sapphire crystal, symbols engraving on the back of each lug, correct engravings on the silver ring of the bezel, you can find that these are perfectly done on the replica, so, sometimes I even think you do not need to pay over 500 USD on a VSF edition, EW’s is already good enough.

As far as I know, is the blue/WG not available from VSF, so that you do not have a chance to get it form them. So EWF is still first choice.