In recent two years, in replica watch world, the popularity of Patek Philippe Nautilus has been very high, which is next to Rolex I think. We know that Rolex is the best-selling watch in our market, it also has the most factories to replicate, but due to the high demand of Nautilus in watch industry, many factories now also started to make Patek Philippe Nautilus replicas. In my previous posts, I introduced several watch factories that make good quality Nautilus replicas, such as PF, PPF, GR, etc., too many choices will make the buyers confused, so, sometimes you need advice, I am not a watch expert, but I will give my honest suggestion.

About this Patek Philippe Nautilus 5726A, it must have a very high price if the watch is genuine, too many classic functions integrated in this watch, and these functions are difficult to be realized in a replica, whether it comes from PF, GR, KM or the latest V9, the replica of this Patek Philippe Nautilus 5726A can not be made to be the same as genuine. Here I choose PF version to review, because I think PF must have some advantages because they are one of the oldest factories that started to make Nautilus replica watches.

The replica from PF has a case diameter of 42mm, not too big, even a woman can wear it. Case is only 12mm in thickness, for an automatic watch, this is acceptable, and it is already very close to the thickness of genuine watch. The replica is with stainless steel bracelet, PF factory also offers leather band for this replica, you can buy one extra pair of leather straps. On this piece, the dial is gray, there are other dial color options, white and blue. On genuine watch, the circle at 6 o’clock is moon phase display, while on this replica from PF, the small hand will runs one circle per day, actually it is a day/night display, on the latest V9 version, the small hand moves one circle per month, which is exactly the same as genuine. However, I still think the day/night display is more practical to me. There is another obvious flaw in function, that is the month display, it can not change automatically, which means you need to push the button at 2 o’clock on the right case to change month manually, that will be ok for me, acceptable.

About this complicated Nautilus, PF already made it good enough, if you can not tolerate the flaws in functions, I suggest you buy their standard Nautilus 5711, which is very popular nowadays. At last, I want to share the specification of this replica watch.
Movement: Clone Cal.324S, Based on Japanese Miyota 9015 Automatic
Case: 42mm*12mm, Solid 316L Stainless Steel
Crystal: Sapphire
Dial: Gray with Superlumed Hour Markers
Bracelet: Solid 316L Stainless Steel with Deployant Clasp
Water Resistant: 30m