Except V6, no other factories in my recommendation list if you want to buy a Hublot Big Bang replica watch. Yes, in my memory, no other factories make good quality Hublot replicas, I mean Big Bang, otherwise you will deny that, because there are two or three factories manufacturing top quality Classic Fusion replicas. There are a lot of Hublot Big Bang replica watches from V6 factory, I introduced several models before in my previous posts, most readers are interested in the rose gold Hublot replica watch, I have sold several pieces, all clients who bought this rose gold Hublot are very satisfied with its quality, and they have not had complaints about it since the purchase. And I also recommend the full stainless steel if you are interested in. I have one question, a lot of people shown their great interest in my Hublot replica watches from V6 factory, but finally they made their decisions on a Noob Rolex, I do not know why, maybe Rolex this brand is more popular in their world.
Today, I want to show your another good Hublot replica watch from V6 factory, it was very popular when just being published, even was the flagship model of V6, now there are still some people asked me about this watch. This black, like other Hublot watches, is a classic representative of Hublot’s fusion concept, ceramic, carbon fiber, stainless steel and rubber material have combined together, actually I do not like so many different materials used in a watch, but you guys may call it “bold” design, it just meets the aesthetic standard of people in Europe and America, I like classic, watches full of sporty elements are ok for me, but I like it to look more formal.
This black Hublot replica watch is fully made with black ceramic in case and bezel, please notice the screws on case and bezel, they are stainless steel, the openning of these screws on the bezel is not facing the same direction, this is not a problem, but some people require them to face the same direction, that’s very strange because I saw they are not on genuine Hublot. Look at case side, the entire case seems to be formed with several pieces of metal and rubber, Hublot uses more screws to fix these pieces together, on genuine watch, it is a great project, and the whole watch can still have a good water resistance, but on the replica, the water resistance may be affected by such construction. However, not only for Hublot, but also for replicas of other Swiss brands, I do not suggest you wear it when swimming.
The carbon fiber patterns on black dial are obvious, but the texture still has distance with genuine watch, on genuine, the carbon fiber patterns are denser and more tidy, and look darker black. The three subdials on the replica have a shallower design than genuine, the good news about the dial is it has a very strong lume light in dark conditions. By the way, I think the dial design on this replica is acceptable, not too many flaws.
Now, it is end of this replica, and nearly to the weekend, hope you guys all have a great weekend.