Oyster Perpetual 39mm is really hot in recent years, it is sold very well, even much better than Air King of Rolex. Oyster Perpetual is the most basic Rolex watch I have ever seen, it only has the hours, minutes and seconds, even not with date function. For people who do not have enough money to buy Submariner or other sporty Rolex watches, Oyster Perpetual will be a good choice, it is much cheaper.

About the replicas of Oyster Perpetual 39mm 114300, a lot of factories make them, including BP, GM and AR. In my previous post, I introduced the replica Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 made by BP, it is a good replica, but not made with 904L stainless steel. Today, I will give a review of another top quality replica 114300, which is made by AR factory. This is the first 114300 replica that is made with 904L stainless steel, previous replicas of 114300 from various watch manufacturers are made with common 316L stainless steel.

May be the biggest advantage of this replica lies in the case material, which is 904L stainless steel. The movement inside is a clone 3132, but whatever, the clone 3132 is modified on basis of a Chinese automatic movement. Before, there were some readers from my blog always asked me one question, is there a replica watch that is made 100% the same as genuine, including the movement? I must say no, for this Oyster Perpetual 114300 replica, it is not a 100% perfect replica, the movement has difference with the genuine, but at such a price level, it is a very good replica watch.

The Rolex Crown engraving on the buckle is delicately made, it looks three dimensional. The entire bracelet is brushed, which is contrasting with the smoothly polished bezel in round shape. Because it uses the same material as genuine, the bracelet has a very close weight to original.

The dial in in grape color, there are small squares in bright red color next to each stick hour markers. On the center of hour hand, minute hand and hour markers of 3, 6 and 9, there is white lume coating filled, the lume light from the dial is strong in dark conditions. The grape dial is a highly recognizable feature of this Oyster Perpetual watch.

Having you been expecting this Oyster Perpetual 39 for a long time? Now, it is time to make your purchasing decision, the stocks are limited.
Dear, I have read your review and enjoyed it very much. Is the Red Grape dial like gen? Thanks