It is the new-arrival Datejust II with a new freshing face, which is mint green, the replica Rolex Datejust comes from DIW, in recent weeks, this factory has published a lot of Datejust replicas in good quality, while with lower prices than other factories like Clean and VS.
In our market, so many factories are making replicas of Datejust, but only several of them have the highest quality ones, GM, Clean and VS are the factories I suggest you buy from. Among these three factories, GM has the most complete collection, they have a lot of Datejust models, VS Datejust has the best movement but their price is very expensive. about the Datejust made by DIW factory, the quality is not the best, but the price is more acceptable.
This Datejust II from DIW factory is the most cost-efficient Datejust I have ever seen, because it is made with real 904L stainless steel, in our market, any replica Rolex that made with 904L stainless steel will be sold at more than 450 US Dollars, but DIW sells this Datejust under 400 US Dollars, it is unimaginable.
The dial is absolutely the most eye-catching place of the watch, it is mint green, which is a very bold color and highlights the entire watch. Men who are looking for a special or unique Datejust, this one will be a very ideal choice.
The Datejust 2 has a diameter of 41mm and is measured to be 11.7mm in thickness, the weight of the entire watch is very close to that of real watch. The finish on the case and Jubilee bracelet is ok, you may notice the fine brushing and polishing finish on the bracelet, which forms an obvious contrast, each link of the bracelet is solid stainless steel.
The watch is equipped with a clone 3235 movement, not the best clone 3235 movement, but most Datejust II replicas use such type of 3235 movement, except the ones from VS factory. This clone 3235 movement is widely used, but the power reserve is not very long,not like the custom 3235 from VS. Usually you need to wind this watch every day to gain enough power, so that your watch won’t stop next morning. In a word, the replica is a very good option because of its green dial, 904L stainless steel and the clone 3235 movement.