Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV are too hot in watch market, many watch factories started to participate in this game, before, there were only BP, Noob, AR, now other factories like V6, XF also joined the competition and published replicas of Submariner models 116610LN and 116610LV. At the same time, facing the competition of other factories, especially from ZZF, Noob announced their V11 Submariner. This is a good news for us. In last month, Noob decreased the prices of their V10 Submariner, we all know why, because they feel the competition from ZZF, and they do not want their star products to lose market share share, so, when reducing prices, Noob also find ways to improve their Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV, finally, the V11 came out several days ago.

On V11, Noob said the green bezel of 116610LV has been improved again, on V8 or even V10, the green ceramic bezel is not too pure, not as good as the green bezel on ZZF 116610LV, this time, Noob said the green bezel on V11 can beat all other factories, I do not know if it is true, this needs time to prove. We hope Noob has solved all issues on the green ceramic bezel, by the way, the 116610LV V11 has a higher price than 116610LV. On the bezel, another improvement lies in its lume pearl, Noob added a sapphire crystal cover above white lume pearl to avoid being scratched.

The bezel markers are also improved, Noob used Platinum powder to coat on each marker on the bezel, to prevent those bezel markers become dark after getting wet. This is a big problem Noob did not solve before, now it has been solved on this V11? Still need time to prove. Another big improvement is its clasp, whose structure is closer to that of genuine Submariner. Besides these improvements, other details are also upgraded, some parts on the watch like case, bezel, case back, lugs, bracelet and clasp, could be completely interchanged with genuine watch parts. In conclusion, Submariner from Noob is a very good watch, I always recommend it to my clients if they want a reliable one as their first replica watch, for people who do not have enough budget, I recommend V10 Submariner, because the special price is there, for people who want one perfect Submariner 116610LN, maybe V11 is a better choice. If you want a green hulk 116610LV, I still suggest you buy from ZZF, because their green bezel has already been tested to be very good.

Where do I purchase one of these please?
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