There are not too many replicas of Rolex Day-Date watches in our market, few factories are making them, Noob makes some top quality Rolex replicas, but no Day-Date, Noob did not make Day-Date Rolex replicas, and their Datejust replicas are also not many. The Day-Date you saw online saying from Noob is actually not true. Maybe the only one factory that makes Day-Date replicas is EW, also CR factory makes some golden Day-Date replicas. How about EW ? It is a small factory, I did not heard of this factory before, it became famous in recent two years, as far as I know, EW factory only makes some replicas of Datejust and Day-Date, but the collection is very complete, usually each Datejust and Day-Date model can be gotten from this factory, and the price is cheap. However, that does not mean their watches are not good, in my opinion, the quality of their watches is acceptable, although not the best, but it is acceptable due to the reasonable price.

Today, I want to show you several Day-Date watches from EW factory. There are stainless steel, yellow gold and rose gold models, each of them has two common features, first, their bezel is decorated with diamonds, second, the movement inside is clone 3255. The case is not made with 904L stainless steel, it is common 316L stainless steel, case size is 40mm*12mm, especially case thickness, it is only 12mm, which is the same as genuine. Among these Day-Date models shown below, I like the ones in rose gold, which look more beautiful. Those rose gold Day-Date watches are also good gifts for girls who love big watches.

About movement, please check movement photos in the article, it looks beautiful, the auto rotor has Rolex Crown engraving and movement plates are fine decorated with golden engravings, you can see the golden “3255” Seal clearly. From the case back, you can also see tiny engravings on the back of each lug, these subtle details are very important to people who like to buy golden Rolex. By the way, maybe EW is the first factory who offers free Rolex card and booklet for each Rolex watch they provide.