There are few new models published in our market in recent days, but the competition between Noob and other factories has become increasingly fierce, especially the competition between Noob and ZZ factory. As far as I know, ZZ factory does not make too many brand replicas, the first Rolex replica you produced is Submariner 114060 No Date, it is a good replica, but not sold very well at the beginning. Today, ZZ factory makes replicas of Submariner 116610LN and 116610LV, the latest version has been upgraded to V2, now I think their Submariner is a big threat to other factories who make Rolex Submariner replicas, especially Noob. The quality of ZZ factory’s 116610LV Submariner is much better than that of Noob’s. Now, back to our topic, it is a Breitling Navitimer replica watch from TF factory, a good Navitimer replica, but I do not recommend, for the best replica Breitling watches in our market, I suggest people buy Avenger or Transocean.
The dial of Breitling Navitimer looks very unique, too many markers and numerals, even many factories made Breitling Navitimer replicas several years ago, they also tried their best to make the best copies, but finally failed. Today, only one or two factories are still willing to make Navitimer replicas, TF is one of them, you can buy one to try, but never wear it when together with your friends in a restaurant or a club, they will know it is a replica immediately once they see the dial or bezel, then the embarrassing moment will come.
Well, the price of this Breitling Navitimer can be accepted by most people, it is under 360 usd, which is less than most AAA quality replica watches you bought online. For a watch at such price and can also be used for more than three years, I think it is absolutely worth. Breitling Navitimer and Avenger were best sellers five or six years ago in our market, now, their important market position has been replaced by other brand models such as Rolex Daytona, Rolex Submariner, Panerai Submersible and IWC Portuguese. By the way, TF also offers leather band option for this Breitling Navitimer.
At last, please check its specification.
Movement: Asia ETA 2824-2 Automatic, 28800BPH, Decorated Movement Plates and Rotor
Case: 41mm*10mm, 316L Stainless Steel
Crystal: Sapphire with AR Coating
Dial: Blue
Band: 316L Stainless Steel with Deployant Clasp
Water Resistant: 30m